Discussing How to Recover from a Bad Investment Decision with Rani Jarkas

Investing presents an attractive opportunity for people looking to grow their wealth or achieve other financial goals. However, it is not an exact science and anyone can make a bad investment. If an asset fails to make you any money, or worse still, it makes you a loss, it is fair to call it a bad investment. There are a few things you can do to help you recover from one, which we explore below: 1. Don’t take it personally; the idea failed, not you Even the most seasoned experts make bad investments sometimes. However, they don’t let these losses stop them from investing. They simply learn from it and move on. You should do the same. 2. Understand the sunk costs and opportunity cost Sunk cost is the irrecoverable loss made from a bad investment. The downside is that it might actually cause bigger losses. Opportunity cost, on the other hand, is what you miss out on because you chose a specific action. You might have avoided a larger loss if you had spread out yo...